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Tags: pc, tech

How To Make Your Pc Speak Whenever You Login

Make Your Pc Speak Whenever You Login
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It’s a simple trick to amaze your friends.When you Log On infront of them. Yeah a trick to make your Computer Welcome you on Start Up. Lets Do It: Open Notepad Paste the below code in Np Code:

Replace Username with your Name Click Save As and save as type Welcome.vbs Copy File Welcome.vbs

and paste it in below address Windows-7 Code: C : \U s e r s \U s e r n ame \Ap pD a t a \R o am i n g \Mi c r o s o f t \Wi n d ow s \ S t a r t Me n u \ P r o g r ams \ S t a r t u p

*Replace Username with your

username and C:\ with your Root Drive Windows-Xp

Code: C : \D o c ume n t s a n d S e t t i n g s \A l l U s e r s \ S t a r t Me n u \P r o g r ams \ S t a r t u p Done Log Off and Log In Amazed? .Now Your computer welcomes you

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posted by Kosi @ Fri-12-15


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